Daughter of the Risen King

Christ follower. Blogger. Teenager. Reader. Sister. Friend. Lifeguard. Student. American.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Eskimo in shorts Part 1

That night I was truly happy.

                    I had my close girlfriends gathered around me and we were acting like normal teenage girls. We were a hyper gang of friends that had nothing else to do but fail at playing twister and talk about boys.

But we still wanted to act silly and have fun! While playing apples to apples, the convo turned to guys, of course; and I told my friends about an interesting texting chat where I was cold, the guy told me to put on a marshmallow coat (I was wearing shorts too) and I became an Eskimo in shorts!

I said “All you have to picture is some guy in a marshmallow coat and shorts!” which started a chorus of giggling around the room. Think about it for a minute; Eskimo in shorts.

Oh it makes me crack up every time someone says it! After my 15th birthday party, I went back to normal life but something wasn’t right…

To be continued…

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