Daughter of the Risen King

Christ follower. Blogger. Teenager. Reader. Sister. Friend. Lifeguard. Student. American.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

College Church of the Nazarene VBS: Mission to M.A.R.S. (Meet A Risen Savior)

      I help out with VBS at my church every year. Now usually I'd blog something more interesting than this, but seriously, there's mostly non-christian visitors coming and we need them to see real worship. (It's something I'm concerned about.) Not loud music, outdoor uncontrollable games, and just coming for the dinner and snacks. I wish kids were more interested in learning about Jesus instead of which way to kick the ball.

      My mom is the snack director and she pulls together a few volunteers who wheel carts of Hy-Vee paper bags with snacks inside, fill water pitchers, and divvy out paper products. She may need some more volunteers but I'm not sure.* (Offer comes with unlimited number of snack samples. Hence me helping with snacks every year.)

BUT the real purpose of VBS is learnin' more about our Savior and when I was a kid, VBS to me was...

  1. FREE FUN {snacks, fun, music, water rides etc.}
  2. HAVING FUN {watching a short movie clip, watching a skit, eating snacks, spending time with friends, winning prizes, playing games singing and doing motions etc.}
Last but should be first,

   3. GOD {showing people the Jesus in you, learning more about Him, saving people you care about etc.}

    I know I might offend a few people but I'm just stating my point of view from when I was that age. If we want our generation (meaning teens and kids in elementary) and generations to come to be true christians, then we might want to think about what our focus during VBS is.

Hasta Luego,


P.S. Do you even know what VBS stands for??

      It stands for Vacation Bible School.
      Vacation~meaning summer break from school
      Bible~meaning we're going to do something with the Bible
      School~meaning learning is involved

Hence, we're learning in the Bible during the summer....So why don't we bring our Bibles??

*If you would like to volunteer for snacks, contact:

Mary Gibson